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Bio is a type of MSG (monosodium glutamate) with 2 times higher sweetness than regular MSG (monosodium glutamate). Therefore, bio is often used in industrial restaurants, while regular MSG is used for home cooking.
You can completely use dried seaweed to cook soup/porridge for children. However, you need to cook the seaweed for about 10-15 minutes so that the seaweed is soft, which will make it easier for your baby to eat.
O'food Spaghetti Bolognese sauce has minced meat and is full of spices. You just need to boil the noodles and mix them with the sauce to have a delicious pasta dish.
O'food marinade sauce is not only used for grilled dishes but also very suitable for stir-fried dishes. You just need to marinate the sauce with ingredients for about 10 minutes and then stir-fry to have a delicious dish without having to taste many spice

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